Rhinomodeling, non-surgical rhinoplasty

Rhinomodeling is an aesthetic procedure to alter the appearance of the nose. It is known as non-surgical rhinoplasty because it is performed using substances that the body can absorb. Therefore, it is a temporary and reabsorbable aesthetic modification. Its effects last between 18 and 28 months.

Non-Surgical Rhinomodeling

This is the most commonly used procedure to correct a hooked nose or the pejoratively called “witch’s profile.” It helps eliminate when the tip is sunken and provides a practical way to perform rhinomodeling without surgery and without an operating room.

It is a highly advanced and effective technique that allows the entire process to be completed in a very short time, and the person can leave for home right after.

Products Used for Rhinomodeling

Different products and substances can be used, but the most common are hyaluronic acid for its great filling power and benefits for the skin area where it is injected, and calcium hydroxyapatite, which promotes the production of natural collagen once it comes into contact with dermal tissues.

The goal is to ensure that the profile and the lines of the nose are uniform, with minimal deviations. The results of rhinomodeling can eliminate a hooked nose and other irregular shapes.

It is also used to add a bit of volume, as these products are very effective at increasing the contour under the skin. The objectives are to perfect the nose’s contour and give it a finer, less flat relief, more balanced with the rest of the face.

Differences Between Rhinomodeling and Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty before afterRhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the appearance of the nose. It is deeper as it can modify the protruding bone or the bony hump. In some cases, a non-surgical rhinomodeling is enough, while in others, rhinoplasty is necessary because the bone protrusion is large, giving the appearance of a hump or eagle nose, and the filler is insufficient. In this case, a small portion of bone must be filed down and removed to make the nose smaller.

Additionally, rhinoplasty addresses other issues such as poor breathing due to blocked nostrils, a deviated septum, or a deformed nasal septum. Here, we might be referring to septorhinoplasty or functional rhinoplasty.

There is also a technique that can be an intermediate step between rhinoplasty and rhinomodeling. It involves narrowing the nose by trimming the nostrils and then bringing them closer together than they were initially. This results in a smaller, more beautiful nose with more stylized shapes. It can be done in a clinic without an operating room in about 40 minutes. The difference with the temporary one is that it requires stitches and local anesthesia and lasts forever.

Permanent Rhinomodeling

In this case, we are talking about a permanent procedure. The goals are the same as the temporary one, but the effects last over time. For this case, metacrylate gel can be used, which, after being injected, forms a callus that is enveloped by the face’s natural collagen. It could be said that it creates a surface where live tissue will occupy, giving volume. This also corrects a sunken tip or the nostrils, providing a harmonious appearance to the whole face.

It is generally recommended to first use hyaluronic acid rhinomodeling to see the result, the before and after, and if it is fully satisfactory for the person, a permanent rhinomodeling can be performed later.



  • The degree of correction can be modified.
  • It is quick.
  • Inexpensive.
  • Very effective.
  • Immediate results.
  • Results can be seen in a real simulation.

The great thing about this aesthetic technique is that a simulation of the final result can be done. In the clinic, they can inject a harmless, absorbable saline solution to show how you will look. In a few minutes, it disappears, and you can see what a rhinomodeling before and after looks like. This is fantastic because you won’t be going in blind, and you’ll really know what effect it will have on your face.


  • Limited duration.
  • The following results may differ from the first one.


After receiving the injectable, you may notice the area reddened and a bit swollen. It might feel unusual and have different sensations. For proper healing and product absorption, it is best not to touch the area for 48 hours. This also includes avoiding the use of glasses.

Additionally, during the following 7 days, you should not undergo another facial treatment, go to the sauna, or do intense sports. The same applies to tasks that require a lot of intensity and effort.

Apart from this, there is a possibility of allergies to sodium hyaluronate, calcium hydroxyapatite, or metacrylate, depending on the product used to correct the nose. In general, the possible side effects and risks are similar to other dermal fillers:

  • Allergy.
  • Reaction to anesthesia.
  • Appearance of lumps and bumps.

In general, the use is recommended for medium-sized noses. People with larger noses who want to reduce their size should consider functional or traditional rhinoplasty, as it may be necessary to modify the bone structure.

To undergo this procedure, you must be at least 18 years old since the nose is still evolving until that age.

Also, precautions should be taken or its use avoided if:

  • You have coagulation issues.
  • You are a smoker.
  • You drink alcohol frequently.
  • You have any immune system diseases.
  • You have heart diseases.
  • You have any type of infection.

Rhinomodeling Price

Depending on the type of product used, whether it is hyaluronic acid or another type, the price ranges from $300 to $600. The number of sessions can vary from 1 to 3, so the cost of rhinomodeling will depend on this.

If the goal is just to slightly enhance the tip, one session will likely be enough, whether you are male or female.

However, since there are many different types of noses and shapes in each person, the best option is to ask directly at the clinic to clarify the cost.


Since it is relatively affordable, it is an easy and one-time way to modify the “witch’s nose,” the profile, the bridge, or wide nostrils. In one session, it is possible to quickly change the appearance.

Since non-surgical rhinomodeling does not require postoperative care, it is much more comfortable and easier to manage. There is no need to interrupt work or daily activities. You can visit the clinic and, in a few minutes, receive the injectable gel to fill the nose. In contrast, rhinoplasty, whether non-surgical or traditional, requires more care, although its results are deeper.

If you want a small touch, a subtle change that improves your profile and appearance, this is a good way to achieve it.

4 Responses

  1. Ángel Roberto says:

    Hola buenas tardes quisiera saber el costo de sólo levantar la punta de mi nariz. Se los agradeceré

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      El precio aproximado de la rinomodelación está indicado en el artículo. Luego, para obtener un presupuesto exacto debes acudir a la clínica. Según la forma de la nariz puede variar por las técnicas utilizadas.

  2. Sandra says:

    Se puede hacer una rino antes de 6 meses??

  3. monica says:

    como es que se hace para que se reduzca loa alas nasales con rinomodelacion