Astaxantina antioxidante natural para la piel, dosis y efectos

Astaxanthin is a very potent antioxidant with benefits for human health. Its properties as a natural supplement or through foods halt the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. It has the power of some vitamins and the potency of resveratrol or very popular acids.

Astaxanthin benefits and properties

It belongs to the group of carotenoids, and its best benefits are when you consume it. It prevents the deterioration of cells and organic complexes due to oxidation. It acts similarly to vitamin E, so it’s good for the skin, preventing signs of skin aging, and protecting vision.

What stands out most about astaxanthin’s properties is that it enhances the effect of vitamin C and beta-carotenes. It is much more potent in its protective action on tissues.

It is often recognized by the red color it provides to salmon meat, the color of shrimp, and also krill.

Differences between natural astaxanthin and supplements

Natural astaxanthin and supplementThe human body needs antioxidants to protect itself from the oxidation caused by breathing. Oxygen is essential for life but also degrades the body, so it’s important to take the appropriate daily dose. You can take natural astaxanthin through foods or supplements. The main difference between the two is not their composition but rather the amount you ingest.

By consuming foods, you can get small doses of this red antioxidant. Taking astaxanthin supplements increases the daily amount by a hundred times. This makes a real impact on the skin, muscle tissues, and cells. You protect proteins like collagen, nucleic acids, and vitamins from oxidation. Additionally, you enhance the effect of other organic compounds as they are degraded more slowly.

Where to buy astaxanthin

Fortunately, it is very simple. You can go to a dietary supplement store or buy astaxanthin online. This way, it arrives at your home without the need to search through stores.

Note that some brands have better quality control and more careful processes than others. So it’s important, in addition to the price of astaxanthin, to evaluate that the extract in the capsules is very pure. This makes the same amount of astaxanthin from one brand much more effective and beneficial for health than another.

The best opinions on the different versions are to purchase it at herbalists or a trusted online health store. This way, you know that after taking it for a few weeks, your skin is much more protected, and your organs are stronger against stress and oxidation.

The brands that are giving the best results based on the comments and opinions from people like you are astaxanthin Solgar, Royal Green, and also Bioastin. If you decide to buy one of these brands, the prices vary. Solgar can be found priced between $15 and $30, while Royal Green is around $60. Bioastin astaxanthin is in the middle at about $33.

At what age is it good to take it?

Astaxanthin antioxidantAntioxidants are good at different ages. From people in their 30s to those in their 60s or older. The effectiveness as well as the need to take them depends largely on the individual. The type of skin, lifestyle, whether it is sedentary or involves sports, directly influences the general state of health and the preservation of skin and tissues. Although it is always good to have a contribution, including it in the daily diet and taking astaxanthin has a higher priority for individuals with irregular diets and few antioxidant-rich foods.

As a guideline, starting sporadically at age 30 is useful. At this age, you start ensuring that the levels in the human body are good and you help reach old age in better condition. A small amount of natural astaxanthin is indicated for both women and men every day if you want to protect heart function, liver, kidneys, and skin in the long term.

Side effects

In general, only people with allergies or high sensitivity might notice some side effects from astaxanthin. It is classified as safe, and the most common reaction is stomach discomfort. However, if you are allergic to carotenoids, you will show sensitivity and symptoms if you take it.

Additionally, people with chronic diseases should consult before including a supplement in their diet, whether they are taking medication or not regularly. This is especially true for patients with symptoms of hypertension, thyroid-related diseases, asthma or respiratory problems, and hormonal changes.

Other possible adverse effects and contraindications include changes in skin color due to its high concentration of red pigments. You might notice a yellowish tint to the skin that disappears when you stop taking the supplement.


Dose of AstaxanthinYou need to consider the supplement you have purchased, as astaxanthin doses can vary by brand. The daily amounts should be indicated on the package or provided by the manufacturer. However, a good amount is between 2 and 3 capsules daily, divided with meals. In other words, take one with each main meal.

Astaxanthin in foods

As an antioxidant, you can find it in different products on the traditional market. While it is good to use a capsule-based supplement, it is also interesting to know where you can obtain astaxanthin in foods. Some sources include fish like salmon, but also microscopic algae, zooplankton, and certain species that feed on them, such as krill. The latter is very easy to buy in the form of krill oil, as it preserves all the properties of antioxidant astaxanthin.

Natural astaxanthin

You can obtain it in two different ways:

  • Through food.
  • By purchasing a supplement.

Foods with astaxanthin have different percentages but also provide other substances, such as salmon, which is rich in omega-3 acids that benefit heart health.

In contrast, when buying astaxanthin in capsules, you get the full potency of the antioxidant. You can enhance its effect by including it in your daily diet in a very convenient and easy way, simply by taking one or two capsules daily. To ensure the product is organic, check the label indicating that it is natural astaxanthin.

Opinions on its effects

Astaxanthin is not something you will notice in the short term. These substances act silently inside the human body. Unlike what you might notice with collagen or hyaluronic acid and even other types of supplements, astaxanthin for the skin will peak over time. It works very slowly and its action is to prevent signs of aging, so as time goes by, you will maintain a better condition both externally and internally. You will achieve better skin, a face with fewer wrinkles, and protected organ function. Some studies suggest it may promote greater heart and artery wellness by preventing obstruction, but most importantly, it helps prevent gradual deterioration.

9 Responses

  1. Ana Ramírez says:

    Podrá servir para el vitíligo???

  2. Norma says:

    Se puede conseguir de forma topica para aplicarla en la piel? La estoy tomando a diario desde hace una semana y tengo fe de que me ira muy bien con ella.

  3. Patricia Alejandra says:

    Estoy consumiendola hace casi dos meses, la adquiero en oriflame, tuve un cancer de mamas hace 3 años y siento que estoy reviviendo, una amiga de oriflame la recomendo, como la vendo y consumo, la recomiendo, te da animo, la piel se fortalece, no me he resfriado ni estoy padeciendo las rinitis que sufri por mas de 20 años, para mi ha sido lo mejor, la recomiendo 100%

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Me alegra un montón que te funcione bien, Patricia. Seguro que le sirve de guía tus opiniones de astaxantina a otras personas en la misma situación. Muchísimas gracias.

  4. Luis Mateos Davalos says:

    Tambien padesco degeneracion de la macula, hay dos tipos, la humeda y la seca, en mi caso tengo en el izq la humeda y el derecho la seca, me inyectaron en ambos ojos, es util cuando es degeneracion humeda, pero en la seca no lo fue y empezo la degeneracion nuy fuerte, ya habia perdido la vista en el centro de la vision del derecho, en un mes tomando la Astaxanthin he recuperado un 80 % de la vision, y espero seguir tomandola… soy una persona de 72 años

  5. Manuel Molina says:

    Hola, tengo 57 años y desde hace 10 años tengo degeracion macular. Tube una trombosis ocular y me deformo la vision. Hace años que me voy pinchando inyecciones en el ojo. Ahora e empezdo a tomar 1 capsula de astaxantina de 500mg, luteïna 40mg y aceite de krill 2 capsules de 500mg. quisiera saber si lo que tomo es correcto. Muchas gracias.

  6. lidia n says:

    Hola …Si recomiendo estas cápsulas de colágeno con astaxantina tengo 53 años y me Ayúda alos síntomas de menopausia ya no me dan los bochornos y estar mas activa todo el día.

  7. Kate says:

    Disculpa una pregunta . Quiero tomar estas pastillas por q me dijeron que son buenas para blanquear la piel y las arrugas . Que marca me recomiendas ? Y de cuantos miligramos las compro? Mil gracias

    • Carmen A says:

      Yo consumo de la marca ORIFLAME y después de una cirugía de cancer papilar me ayudo mucho a la regeneración celular y a desvanecer mi cicatriz