Hyaluronic acid for joints and rehabilitation

Hyaluronic acid is a substance widely used in regenerative and restorative medicine, not only in aesthetics. One of the areas of the human body where it has the most benefits is in the joints.

As we age, it’s common to suffer from osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, degenerative diseases of the cartilage that cause pain and suffering. Hyaluronic acid is an effective method for combating the symptoms and discomfort of these ailments. It also has applications in the recovery of the knee and patellofemoral chondromalacia.

The knee joint is highly sensitive to wear and tear, causing significant pain when there is osteoarthritis or cartilage fissures. A common movement like walking can lead to a lot of discomfort, and treatment can be difficult. In some cases, it is advisable to use a hyaluronic acid injection in the knee. This is a very effective treatment, and many patients experience significant benefits for their joint and mobility issues due to damage to the joint.

How hyaluronic acid works in the joints

Rehabilitation medicine aims to improve damaged areas of the body. Hyaluronic acid for the joints improves the quality of synovial fluid and, in doing so, the patient’s quality of life. It alleviates pain and facilitates the movement of the knee, elbow, or hip, making daily activities much easier and more bearable.

Hyaluronic acid for joints When there is viscosupplementation through injections or hyaluronic infiltration or sodium hyaluronate, the cartilage in the worn knee recovers the optimal level of synovial fluid that has gradually disappeared over time. Whether due to age-related wear and tear, joint effusion, or the degradation caused by osteoarthritis, the pain can be very bothersome and make knee movements hard to bear.

Stabilizing the viscosity level that protects the joint is essential to avoid daily minor impacts. Sodium hyaluronate injected into the knee absorbs impacts, offering protection.

Numerous favorable studies on hyaluronic acid injections for joints and bones demonstrate that the area is much better protected, experiences less wear, and friction is reduced after treatment. This leads to less joint pain, and patients can resume many activities in their lives.

Other treatments with hyaluronic acid and knee

In addition to joints and bone problems, hyaluronic acid can be used for aesthetic changes in wrinkles, lips, and the entire facial structure.

For over a decade, hyaluronic treatments in traumatology have made this substance a product used to treat various diseases and address problems of different kinds, including properties for joints such as knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, and wrists. Its viscoelastic properties, hydrating power, and ease of handling make it very suitable for many people. It is also reabsorbed by the body, making it very safe and entirely biocompatible.

Rehabilitation with hyaluronic acid in knees

Various rehabilitation treatments offer many benefits and advantages over other methods:

  • Since it is an innocuous substance, it can be used in almost all cases. It does not produce significant side effects, and only in some patients may there be mild symptoms of stiffness or pain with the treatment.
  • It improves the joint’s plasticity, enabling movements that were previously very painful or even impossible.
  • It is useful for osteoarthritis, joint effusion, and patellofemoral chondromalacia, among others. There are various pathologies that can benefit from its properties.
  • The application is simple and quick.
  • The results are immediate. In just one session where the knee, shoulder, or hip infiltration is performed, the person shows clear signs of improvement. Within 24 hours, the inflammatory and painful processes in the joints typically begin to disappear.

These properties and benefits apply to all joints, including treating hyaluronic acid for knee with osteoarthritis, arthritis, and degenerative diseases of bone or cartilage tissue. In general, it has applications in areas of the human body where cartilage and bone are in motion.

How is the treatment?

Hyaluronic acid infiltrationGenerally, the most common treatment is for the knee. Following these steps, one or more injections are administered over several weeks. Depending on the level of damage, one injection may be sufficient, though the rehabilitation professional must determine whether additional injections are needed based on the observed results and feedback from the patient.

The person receiving the treatment does not endure uncomfortable sessions. They are very quick, and the impression of seeing the needle is often worse than the actual sensation.

After the hyaluronic acid treatment, there is a period ranging from 24 to 48 hours in which the treated joint may experience stiffness and some discomfort. These are typical of the procedure and disappear in a short period. Some people recover normal function within a week, while others may need several weeks with alternating injections in the joints.

This is due to the different levels of osteoarthritis, cartilage wear, and variations in fat in the patellar injuries.

Cost of joint injections

Although it is one of the best treatments, hyaluronic acid injections for joints are not cheap. While you can buy a supplement to take daily for around $15 or $20, viscosupplementation is somewhat more expensive. The injections can cost around $200, and while it may initially seem expensive, it is definitely worth it when recommended by a professional. Opinions on this are very clear. Orthopedic doctors and specialized clinics recommend its use because it makes a lot of sense and facilitates recovery. There is a significant improvement in quality of life, which is much appreciated.

Other alternatives in traumatology include surgery, although as we all know, surgery always carries risks, which injections eliminate. Additionally, there is always the possibility of using them later if the treatment doesn’t yield completely satisfactory results. However, experiences show that, in a high percentage of cases, it is effective.

Obviously, each case has its own characteristics, and that’s where professionals come in. They can advise you on when it’s necessary and when it’s beneficial to use sodium hyaluronate for knee osteoarthritis and wait for satisfactory results.

If you have some of the joint issues we’ve described, this technique might work well for you. The clinics can offer you a perspective on how to address your knee and joint discomfort in general. They can offer you a personalized study, explore potential options, and determine which treatments are viable to restore your health to the highest possible level.

4 Responses

  1. oscar says:

    How do I inject into knees and hips?

    • San says:

      Only an orthopedic doctor can inject!!!

  2. oscar says:

    Hello, I don’t know what to do anymore. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and hips, a lot of pain, and I am out of work because of this.

  3. gilberto serrano says:

    Hello, good morning. I need information about what the product is called on the market and where I can get it. I have several patients with knee problems, and it would be an alternative treatment for them, as some are desperate due to the long-term issues they’ve been experiencing.