Price of hyaluronic acid in injections and fillers

The aesthetic clinics generally offer different hyaluronic acid prices and various treatments. Depending on the center, the professional, and the technique, lip augmentation or wrinkle filler treatments will have different costs.

This list shows an average comparison of hyaluronic acid prices from several aesthetic centers that we collaborate with on the website. All of them are similar, so the average is a good piece of information that can guide you. Keep in mind that these prices may fluctuate over time, and they may change as new techniques emerge as well.

What you should know about these hyaluronic acid prices

Since this is an average, when you go to an aesthetic clinic, ask and get an evaluation of the treatment, you may find higher or lower prices. This happens because there is a wide variety of products and techniques. Some are more resistant to the passage of time, and others are more absorbable. Some techniques are more aggressive, and others are more natural. For example, an aesthetic doctor may use Restylane or Perlane, or a single injection of product if they deem it necessary. Clearly, depending on these usage patterns, it will take more or less time to achieve the beauty you are looking for.

So, in brief, to summarize why there are different costs, we could say that a mesotherapy treatment is not the same as a filler treatment, and within each procedure, there are also different techniques. Therefore, the cost will differ based on the application, as well as the materials used, which will affect the final price you will pay. However, the main idea of this list is for you to have access to a catalog of hyaluronic acid fillers and their real prices at any time.

Price of hyaluronic acid

In any case, it is recommended that you focus more on the procedure you are going to undergo rather than just the final amount. It’s clear that the cost is very important, but your safety comes first. So, a good recommendation is to consult trusted aesthetic clinics with good references.

And with that said, here is the list of hyaluronic acid treatments and their prices:

Lip Augmentation: $440
Corner Filler: $260
Lip Contouring: $380
Cheek Augmentation: $680
Naso-labial Folds: $450
Mandibular Arch Filler: $685
Chin Augmentation: Mandibular Arch Filler $445
Facial Mesotherapy: $195
(All prices are approximate and start from)

If you are an aesthetic clinic and would like to be listed here, please contact us through this form so we can add your current details with your clinic’s address. This will allow me to display the prices of hyaluronic acid in Madrid, Barcelona, or wherever you are for all visitors to this website.