The benefits of hyaluronic acid (HA) are numerous. This substance, sometimes referred to as hyaluronic or hyaluronate, is a carbohydrate and a mucopolysaccharide. It is produced naturally in the body.
When the sugars or carbohydrates in hyaluronic acid are not bound to other molecules, they bind with water, giving it a gelatinous appearance. By attracting moisture, it becomes one of the most interesting substances for treating wrinkles, expression lines, and other aesthetic treatments, as well as in orthopedic and ocular surgery.
Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid
In orthopedics, the benefits of hyaluronic acid include its role as a lubricating substance for the joints. It facilitates the movement of non-rigid body parts, muscles, joints, cartilage… Its consistency and viscosity make it a special product with properties for the skin, being an excellent moisturizer. That is, it is a hydrating substance and very beneficial for joints like the knees, hips, etc.
HA molecules are among the most hydrophilic in nature, and this provides numerous benefits for the human body. It can be described as a “natural hydrating product.” Learn more about what hyaluronic acid is and its applications.
If you think about the joints in the human body, you are likely to realize that the knees, elbows, and every joint in the human body need a type of fluid, just as hinges need oil to function without squeaking.
Over time, joints need to restore their hyaluronic acid levels to prevent damage from friction. As we age, less hyaluronic acid is produced, and movement without this viscous fluid can wear down cartilage, break bones, and cause pain.
As we age, the viscosity provided by hyaluronic acid decreases, and its presence in the body is reduced. Therefore, using supplementary products that add back what is missing becomes essential.
Properties of Hyaluronic Acid
It is a crystalline and sticky substance both in the human body and in synthetic form. Hyaluronic acid has the property of increasing its size a thousand times due to its ability to absorb water, which gives it significant hydrating and rejuvenating power. Used in aesthetic treatments, it helps regenerate collagen and the internal structure of the skin. In regenerative medicine and joint diseases, it helps relieve pain and improve joint movement. Thanks to its lubricating properties, it is used for a wide variety of treatments and ailments.
It can also be found dry or hydrolyzed, in powder form. In this case, its appearance is similar to other substances sold in bottles or tablets.
What is its Chemical Structure?
The human body produces it naturally and chemically it is identified as a glycosaminoglycan, a component of connective tissues. In the body, hyaluronic acid is present as a substance with high molecular weight, composed of two modified simple sugars, glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine.
These compounds have a negative charge, and when they encounter each other, they produce mutual repulsion, or creation of high molecular weight. It is somewhat like how the poles of a magnet repel each other. Only instead of magnets, these are substances that the body needs.
What is the Origin of Hyaluronic Acid?
The origin of hyaluronic acid dates back to 1942 when Endre Balazs applied for a patent to use it as an egg substitute in baking.
Because hyaluronic acid is a gelatinous substance, Balazs began to use it in the commercial industry. As with other major discoveries in humanity, its discoverer immediately realized that it would be very difficult to find another substance with so many beneficial properties for the body. Enthusiastic about having made a great discovery, Endre Balazs devoted much of his life to studying the benefits of hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate), its origins in humans, and its properties in animals.
Where is Hyaluronic Acid Found in the Body?
You can find it in every cell that makes up the human body. It is also present in the cells of mammals and fish. Hyaluronic acid is found throughout all the tissues that form the human body.
The peculiarity is that depending on the body region it is located in, it has different functions. It can act as a lubricant, moisturizer, aqueous medium, or nutritive substance.
Unfortunately, the life span of hyaluronic acid is limited, averaging 3 days, and only 1 day when in the skin. This is why the body is in a constant state of production and replacement of hyaluronate molecules. If it were not produced naturally, we would run out of it in our bodies within a few days.
Below we will describe the areas of the human body where hyaluronic acid is found and its anatomical function.
Other Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid
Bones and Cartilage
This transparent substance is found in all human bones and cartilage. The structure that allows us to stand and maintain upright postures is possible thanks to these. It also supports movement and sports activities. HA is found in various cartilages but especially in hyaline cartilage. Unlike other types, this cartilage does not contain nerves or blood vessels.
The name hyaluronic comes from hyaline, which covers the ends of long bones when there is flexion. This creates a cushioning effect that protects the bone from impacts. Hyaline cartilage is also found at the tip of the nose, connects the ribs to the sternum, and is part of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes.
Hyaluronic Acid in Joints
Our elbows and knees are surrounded by synovial fluid, which forms a thick and gelatinous liquid that acts as a lubricating and protective fluid. This liquid is viscous and cushions impacts and friction between bones. When the synovial fluid is not in good condition, joints can cause significant pain even with small movements. In addition to promoting mobility, another beneficial property of hyaluronic acid in joints and cartilage is the removal of waste from the joint capsule.
Tendons, Ligaments, Connective Tissue
Connective tissues link many parts of the body. Their main functions are support, protection, and insulation. Structures connect muscles to bones (tendons and ligaments). Connective tissue contains three structural elements: hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin (elastic fibers) and a type of fundamental cells. Given that connective tissues make up a large part of the human body, the benefits in tendons and ligaments include cushioning, support, and tension of connective tissues. All of this is made possible by its gelatinous properties.
Hair and Scalp
The scalp is the skin on the head that contains hair follicles, which produce hair. Composed of two layers of skin, the epidermis and dermis, it is the base structure that houses the follicles allowing hair growth. The dermis, made up of connective tissue, contains its gelatinous fluid that supports nutrition, hydration, and support for the scalp. The benefits of hyaluronic acid for hair include providing hydration to ensure the health of the scalp.
Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid in Lips
The lips are skeletal muscles covered by skin, which has a different tone and structure compared to the rest of the body. The skin layer that makes up the lips is primarily connective tissue, making hyaluronic acid in lips abundant, just like collagen. Both create structure and volume, giving the appearance of plump lips. Thanks to its moisturizing properties, collagen, which keeps the skin smooth and tight, remains nourished, giving a healthy appearance. The benefits of hyaluronic acid in lips include promoting hydration and creating a fuller structure while protecting them from the environment.
In the Eyes
The eyeball has a high concentration of HA. The fluid in the eye is almost entirely composed of hyaluronic acid or hyaluronate molecules. This viscous gel-like fluid is called vitreous humor, and it acts as a lubricant and nutrient facilitator. Hyaluronic acid in the eyes is beneficial in eye surgeries to help maintain healthy vision. After the age of fifty, HA production in the eyes decreases significantly, leading to various eye diseases.
Gingival Tissue
The gums are composed of connective tissue that anchors the teeth to the alveolar bone, the jawbone. As with other connective tissues mentioned, gums and oral tissues are a fundamental part of their structure. They provide hydration and nutrients to the ligaments, making them resilient. Unfortunately, with age, some gingival tissue is lost, leading to weaker oral tissue health. This is why you can currently buy hyaluronic acid products.
Properties and Benefits for the Skin
In addition to being found in every cell of the body, it is present in high concentrations in the skin. It is one of the places where this substance is most abundant. About 50% is found in the skin, distributed across all skin layers, deep and superficial. All young, rosy, and healthy-looking skin contains a large amount of HA. For the tissue to be elastic and wrinkle-free, it is essential that hyaluronic acid in the skin is present, benefiting from its hydrating power, collagen and elastin production, and the elasticity these substances promote.
The skin makes up about 15% of body weight, and having a supply of hyaluronic acid and collagen is crucial. Thanks to collagen, we enjoy elastic and firm skin, and thanks to hyaluronate molecules, collagen can remain hydrated and maintain elasticity. Without these two components, when the skin is stretched, it cannot return to its usual shape, leading to wrinkles and sagging in a short time.
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a gelatinous fluid that surrounds mammalian cells and is necessary for life. It is generally known as connective tissue. In this fluid, cells reside and can join to form more complex structures. Without it, we would have millions of disconnected cells without a coherent function. We would not be complex multicellular organisms but a jumble of individual cells. The ECM is composed of elastin and collagen, surrounded by HA, which gives it its gelatinous appearance. The properties and benefits of hyaluronic acid to the ECM are due to its ability to increase in size up to 1000 times with water, facilitating the coexistence and nourishment of cells within the extracellular matrix.
I am using hyaluronic acid serum and I would like to make a homemade preparation. Where can I buy pure hyaluronic acid powder?
Good morning,
Could you please tell me if it is possible to apply a hyaluronic acid hair treatment to straighten my hair while pregnant?
Thank you very much,
Kind regards.
Hello. I am using a facial pure hyaluronic acid serum. Is it advisable not to apply night cream afterward?
When do the effects start to show?
Where can I buy hyaluronic acid? Is it better to take it for the skin or in serum form? I also suffer from knee pain…
Hyaluronic acid is very good; I suffer from arthritis, and my skin looks radiant, and my bones are strengthened.
I think it’s an interesting product and not expensive, it costs less than 20€ and lasts a month.
There is a product in pharmacies in powder form that contains collagen, magnesium, and hyaluronic acid. I take it for knee osteoarthritis, and so far it is working very well. I have noticed more resistance in my knee, and I have started using a cane only for short distances. I have just started the treatment a month ago.
Hello!! I am 49 years old and I already have fine lines around my eyes and above my lips, in addition to having dark circles. I would like to know where I can buy both cosmetic products and supplements. I have skin with couperosis, some spots, and combination skin. I currently live in Bilbao. Thank you very much. Best regards.
Good day,
Please, where can I find the vial of HY Altive
Hyaluronic Acid II 0.5
4ml vial
in Barcelona?
Thank you.
I saw online how to prepare this acid from the inner skin of the egg, alcohol, and water. I have painful herniated discs, how should I apply it?
Hello, my wife suffers from sciatica, would hyaluronic acid have any benefits? And if the answer is positive, what form would be most suitable for taking it? Thank you.
Hello Porfirio, for sciatica there are other treatments. The benefits of hyaluronic acid are indicated for tissue generation and maintenance… For issues like lumbar pinching and muscle damage, it is better to consult a physiotherapist.
Hello, regarding the use of creams, do they help improve wrinkles or not, and is this benefit permanent or only while you are applying the cream? Thank you.
Hello, I would like to ask how the injections work to enhance a recessed chin, because I have seen them in actresses’ lips and it seems horrifying to me. Is it the same as botox, which eventually makes it look bad? Thank you very much.
Good morning, I would like to know if a person with epilepsy, taking Depakine Chrono 500, Lamotrigine, Trileptal, and Keppra, can take collagen, hyaluronic acid, and magnesium along with Escitalopram, Extilnol, and Targin? Can these products be taken together? Thank you.
After reading the properties of hyaluronic acid, I believe that its benefits may be very real because I have experienced some of them by taking it. It was a very informative and thorough comment.
I have Graves’ disease (Basedow’s disease) with mild exophthalmos. Can I consume hyaluronic acid?
A doctor did a peeling on my face, and apparently, he burned me too much with the Blue Peeling from Dr. Obagi.
My face is stiff, dry, with red, rough spots, and swelling.
I feel stinging and burning, but basically, the dryness and tightness won’t ease.
It’s been 2 months since the peeling.
Would hyaluronic acid cream be beneficial for me every day?
Thank you!!!!!!
For wrinkles and sagging, what is the most recommended treatment? Thank you.
I want to know the function of hyaluronic acid for eyes with early cataracts. Where can I find it in drops? I am from Mar del Plata. Thank you for your response. Regards, Anna.
Good day! The sports doctor diagnosed me with osteochondritis in my knee, which is severe. He prohibited me from playing soccer and recommended a treatment of applying hyaluronic acid once a month for 3 months. Will this help me? Will I ever be able to play sports like soccer again?
I need the acid for arthritis. Would it be possible to send more information about the acid for this function, and where can I acquire it, such as in a pill or capsule form? Thank you very much for your attention. Best regards.
Could you kindly indicate where to obtain injectable hyaluronic acid? I suffer from erosion of the intestinal mucosa and urinary tract, and it would be beneficial as a reparative. I kindly ask you to send the response to my email, as I won’t see it if you post it on this page.
Rafaela, you can buy it from the online store.
Arthritis is indeed treated with proper nutrition. Look for a clinical nutritionist who can treat your medical problem. Don’t hesitate, and seek help with alternative treatments.
Hello, I was offered injectable hyaluronic acid for my father, who has osteoarthritis in his shoulders and knees, in addition to a torn rotator cuff. I would like to know if it is effective in this case and if there are any contraindications. Thank you.
Hello Daniel, it is the orthopedic specialist who can advise whether hyaluronic acid has benefits for the rotator cuff, knees, shoulders, etc. Depending on the type of joint injury, it could work well, but the specialist needs to examine each case to propose it in situations where they think it’s suitable.
Hello to all the commenters. I would like to know if the many and varied properties of hyaluronic acid could be beneficial for open recurring sacrococcygeal fistulas, or also for chronic ones… Thank you very much. Mercedes
Hello Mercedes, CO2 laser works well. It may help hydrate and improve the skin in the area, but it is not suitable for treating open recurring sacrococcygeal fistulas. Additionally, if there is a wound, the benefits of hyaluronic acid may not be entirely appropriate since it could rehydrate the area. If you need to apply a moisturizer, then yes, otherwise no.
Hi, could it be mixed with my pea protein isolate shake? Or would it be better to take it alone? Thank you.
Hello! Where can I buy it?
Where are you from? There are several stores, depending on where you live, one may be more convenient than the other.
I had a herniated disc removed and sciatic nerve root decompression in 2007, and in 2009, I had my uterus and ovaries removed. This has caused many complications such as osteoarthritis, weight gain, and significant hair loss. I have an oily scalp and dry ends. Can I take this product without fear of any reactions, or can I combine it with other natural products? Also, I can hardly see either close or far. What do you advise? The doctors at the IMSS say it’s due to my age. I am 53 years old, and my surgeries were at 45 for my spine surgery and 47 when I had my hysterectomy.
Hello Verónica, in principle, there shouldn’t be any contraindications with the case you describe, but since you are dealing with serious conditions, it’s best to consult with your doctor. Also, you mention taking other herbal or natural products, so there are many unknown factors to confirm it safely.
In any case, it can help improve skin, cellular tissue in general, and for bones, it usually works quite well. Although the store where you buy your products likely also sells hyaluronic acid, it’s a good idea to mention that you want to add it. This way, knowing everything you are taking, they can recommend different herbal supplements to complement the effects and benefits.
Veronica, take some pills called Evening Primrose Oil, they are great for our age for hair, skin, and nails. You shouldn’t stop taking them. They are sold in health stores. You also need to maintain your collagen by doing daily exercises, eating well, and thinking positively. Aloe vera has collagen, apply its gel to your face, it’s excellent. And leave the stress behind, everything is in our mind. Enjoy every moment of your life!
Very good benefits, I would like to know if there are medications that contain hyaluronic acid. Thank you very much. Regards.
Hello Enrique, currently there are different products that contain hyaluronic acid. From dietary supplements in powder or capsule form to cosmetics in creams, gels, etc. You will find different benefits from hyaluronic acid depending on the format you buy. And of course, depending on this, you should use it differently.
For example, if you buy collagen with hyaluronic acid, it is very helpful for both the skin and the joints. But if you get it in serum form, it focuses more on the benefits for wrinkles and dermal cells. In tablets and powder form, it’s great for joints and bones.