Upper lip and around the mouth wrinkle

Perioral wrinkles are the vertical folds that appear around the mouth. Commonly known as barcode lines or upper lip wrinkles, they appear as lines running from top to bottom on the lips and mouth contour.

They have different causes and various treatments. Below we explain why they appear, what the best treatments are to eliminate them, and what results you can expect from them.

Causes of Upper Lip Wrinkles

Smokers are more likely to have wrinkles on the upper lip and around the mouth in general. The continuous inhalation gesture causes the lips to curve. Additionally, the nicotine and tar have harmful effects on cell life. This leads to premature aging of the lips.

Another cause is genetic predisposition to have less collagen and elastin. These individuals experience the effects of aging more strongly than others because they have fewer elastic fibers. The elasticity provided by elastin and the vigor of collagen diminish in these cases. When lacking in sufficient amounts, wrinkles on the lips appear.

upper lip wrinklesThe third most common cause is excess sun exposure. Sun rays destroy the bonds of organic molecules. The more exposure, the higher the number of molecules that die. This, along with increased dehydration of the epidermis tissue, worsens the condition. Therefore, when combining these three common causes, we find relatively young individuals with a highly damaged mouth area.

The most common causes of upper lip wrinkles are:

  • Smoking
  • Lack of collagen
  • Low elastin
  • Sun exposure

Eliminating Upper Lip Wrinkles

Traditional methods to eliminate wrinkles on the face, such as facelifts for facial sagging, don’t work well for this type of lip wrinkles. By tightening the skin with a facelift, the perimeter and roughness of the mouth remain unchanged, so other alternatives are needed. Currently, there are 2 methods that work and provide good results to eliminate upper lip wrinkles:

  • Fillers
  • Resurfacing
  • Anti-wrinkle creams


Lip filling is an aesthetic treatment to combat the loss of elasticity due to the lack of collagen and elastin. Lip fillers are typically done with different substances, among which the following stand out:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Collagen
  • Botox
  • Autologous fat

All of them work and aim for the same aesthetic effects to eliminate upper lip wrinkles. They differ in duration and final result.

Most aesthetic clinics and associations of cosmetic surgeons recommend facial fillers to improve the appearance of skin folds. These are especially effective for upper lip wrinkles. Fillers can include natural substances like hyaluronic acid, collagen, or the same body fat extracted in a reduction treatment, or synthetic substances like polymer implants.

Fillers are temporary and require maintenance after a few months. The effect then lasts for about two years. Side effects are minimal but may occasionally occur. If you’re interested, you can find all the information about lip fillers with hyaluronic acid.

Resurfacing or Laser Treatment

Laser technology is used to remove folds, expression marks, small spots, scars, and various types of wrinkles on the lips and face.

Laser treatment, or resurfacing, involves a random fractional CO2 laser that works by making micro-incisions in the skin. This causes collagen to contract, destroying perioral wrinkles thanks to the new production of elastin and collagen. This regeneration and new tissue strengthen the skin, which is induced to have a thicker cellular matrix. This is what makes it function as a natural wrinkle filler.

The side effects of resurfacing are redness and mild pain in the treated area. Due to the abrasion caused by the laser, it is necessary to use creams for a few days. After two weeks, it is recommended to use sunscreen to protect the area from the sun. The results are gradually visible; that is, over the first year, the wrinkles on the lips regenerate and nearly disappear. The results last approximately five years. This is one of the best treatments for the lips. In just one session, the results last long and are among the longest in anti-wrinkle treatments.

Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Lips

In addition to using treatments from aesthetic clinics such as laser or fillers for perioral wrinkles, it is very important to use anti-wrinkle creams every day.

Choose formulas made with natural ingredients such as avocado oil and hyaluronic acid, along with Argireline (which reduces wrinkles) and Ginseng to strengthen its antioxidant properties.

After using it, the expression signs around the mouth, the barcode lines, and perioral wrinkles are reduced by up to 30%. Thanks to its exclusive formula, low in preservatives (2 years of shelf life unopened) and high in active ingredients.

16 Responses

  1. Victoria Nieto says:

    I would like to see something about barcode lines in Barcelona.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Can you use a cream or are you referring to another type of treatment?

  2. Maite says:

    Sorry, I meant the lower lip… I have titanium in my face since 1992 due to a facial trauma, I can’t use radiofrequency or certain techniques.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      I would recommend starting with an anti-wrinkle cream with a lifting effect and see how your skin responds over the weeks. If the wrinkles are very pronounced, consider whether you might be interested in a hyaluronic acid filler, which usually has no contraindications in those cases. In any case, the cream will help and prevent more wrinkles from appearing.

  3. Maite says:

    I have wrinkles on my upper lip, what can I do?

  4. Imelda Matilde Meoño says:

    I am 47 years old and would like to know if Resurfacing is recommended for the folds that appear under the mouth, please inform.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Of course, it removes old skin with a laser and promotes the growth of new skin in its place, which will be smoother and softer.

  5. Sandra Leiva says:

    Let me share my experience. I am 46 years old and about 4 years ago I had fractional CO2 laser treatment. I am from Concepción.
    The procedure is very painful, and the recovery is slow if you smoke, but not painful. During the day, your face feels very hot, but it passes with a cream applied. In the years when I did it here in Concepción, it cost me $350,000.
    But if you want to know how I ended up and whether I would do it again… I say NO. In the first weeks, you have wonderfully baby-like skin, but the expression lines don’t disappear. The tone of your skin improves, but that’s all. Now I am 46 years old, and if a little wrinkle bothers me (which I have several, hehe), I use Botox. You see results almost immediately; after about 5 days, you can see how your skin is firm and without movement… I leave you my experience, I hope it helps.

  6. Mariajose says:

    I have wrinkles on my upper lip and would like them to disappear. Where do I need to go, and what is the cost?

  7. Mariajose says:

    How much does it cost to treat the upper lip wrinkles?

  8. miriam ruiz says:

    Wow, I would love to undergo a treatment for the wrinkles around my mouth. I would like to know how much it costs and how to improve my appearance. What treatment would be best without resorting to surgery and that lasts longer? Thank you, I am 57 years old, and I want to improve without overdoing it, but the problem is my budget is limited.

  9. Libelula says:

    And how much does laser treatment cost?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      There are different types of lasers that may be better for wrinkles on the lips, depending on the person’s age and how deep the lines are on the upper lip. Also, each clinic has different prices based on the country. It’s best to check with your clinic and get a quote for wrinkle removal.

    • Rosa Maria says:

      Hello, I am 38 years old and have very pronounced wrinkles. I don’t smoke. I want to know if laser treatment is very expensive.

  10. haydeefogo says:

    My daughter is 44 years old and has wrinkles above her upper lip. I want to know if they charge for a consultation and what solutions they offer.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      The price of the consultation is usually included in all lip wrinkle treatments. Most aesthetic clinics do not charge for this service, but it’s a good idea to ask before going to a nearby clinic.